Digital Storytelling and Cultural Studies
This seminar in American Studies aims to explore the changing forms of expression in the digital sphere, by focusing on digital narratives as they are shaped by both the content creators and the technological and structural affordances of Internet platforms. By drawing on critical and theoretical material across cultural studies, media studies, and media industries studies, we will analyze forms and means of storytelling in the digital domain, while trying to fathom emergent facets of sociality and cultural/political imaginaries.
In order to take and enjoy this class, you should be willing to read, analyze, and discuss theoretical and analytical texts. As part of your assigned work in this seminar, all the course participants would need to carefully prepare the reading(s) allotted for a session, develop points of discussion, and occasionally respond to the reading(s) via annotations on Google Docs. Our weekly, in-person meetings will be assisted by expert groups/session presenters.
Requirements for a grade (ANG-V-LK, or ANG-SI-Komp. 1 and 2; ANG-V1): All of the above and a research based seminar paper.
Prerequisites for participation: ANG-B1/ANG-B-LK module.
Please check the course webpages on Stud.IP regularly for updates, announcements, and changes.
Weitere Angaben
Ort: 41/102
Zeiten: Mo. 10:00 - 12:00 (wöchentlich)
Erster Termin: Montag, 08.04.2024 10:00 - 12:00, Ort: 41/102
Veranstaltungsart: Seminar (Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen)
- Anglistik; Englisch > Kulturwissenschaft > Bachelor
- Language and Literary Studies
- Anglistik; Englisch > Literaturwissenschaft > Bachelor