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Commemorative Colloquium
for Prof. Dr. Rainer Vogt
In commemoration of our colleague Prof. Dr. Rainer Vogt, who died 12th August 2015, the Mathematics Institute of the University of Osnabrück is holding a commemorative colloquium at Barbarastraße 22c, 49076 Osnabrück, lecture room 93/E31 on
Saturday, 13th August 2016
10:00 a.m. |
Prof. Dr. Ieke Moerdijk:Rainer Vogt's scientific achievements |
11:00 a.m. |
Musical Intermezzo: Seven 'n Heaven |
11:15 a.m. |
Michael Brinkmeier, Winfried Bruns and Elmar Vogt on Rainer Vogt |
12:00 p.m. |
Refreshments and open-end |
Registration by 7th August per E-Mail to M.A. Gausmann.